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Posted January 15, 2018

Significant Improvements Made To Our Dystonia Panel Portfolio

We are pleased to announce that we have made substantial improvements in our ability to search for and identify the known pathogenic variants likely to cause dystonia. Our Comprehensive Dystonia Panel now includes 192 genes and 5,048 pathogenic variants associated with conditions linked to dystonia. This panel includes mtDNA sequencing and deletion analysis with the option of adding HTT repeat expansion analysis, ensuring you are provided with the most comprehensive testing possible.


Understanding a comprehensive panel may not always be necessary, we updated of our existing subpanels to cover more medically relevant genes and increase their clinical sensitivity. In addition, we have introduced a new Dopa-Responsive Dystonia panel to our portfolio.


All of our next-generation sequencing panels include single-exon resolution copy number analysis to provide you the most clinically sensitive testing possible.

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