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Amyloid Related Disorders (NGS Panel and Copy Number Analysis)

CPT: 81404 (x2), 81406 (x2), 81479
Updated on 09/4/2024

Genes Assessed

Specimen Requirements


Whole blood, oral swab, extracted DNA (from blood or oral swab only)

Blood | Extracted DNA | Cultured Fibroblasts | Muscle | Buccal Cells

Whole blood, oral swab, extracted DNA (from blood or oral swab only)


Whole blood: 4 ml
Oral swab: 3 swabs
Extracted DNA: Contact MNG Genetic Services 844-664-8378 (844-MNGTEST) 

Blood: Draw blood in a lavender top EDTA tube, Sample Stability: 5-7 days, Preferred volume: 4 ml, Minimum volume: 2 ml, DO NOT FREEZE. Extracted DNA: From leukocytes, muscle, or fibroblasts: Preferred quantity: 1 microgram, Minimum quantity: 800 nanograms. Genomic DNA should be eluted in sterile Dnase/Rnase free water or TE. The A260:A280 ratio should be 1.8-2.0. Cultured Fibroblasts: Two T-25 flasks of fibroblasts, preferably ~90% confluent. TAT will be extended by 7-14 days if cells are not confluent upon arrival. Muscle: 50-75 milligrams muscle snap frozen in liquid nitrogen and maintained at -80°Celsius or below. Buccal Cells: One buccal swab should be used for collection. Do not discard solution in collection tube. Follow collection instructions supplied. Stability at ambient temperature is 60 days.

Whole blood: 4 mlOral swab: 3 swabsExtracted DNA: Contact MNG Genetic Services 844-664-8378 (844-MNGTEST) 

Minimum Volume

Whole blood: 2 ml
Oral swab: 1 swab
Extracted DNA: Contact MNG Genetic Services 844-664-8378 (844-MNGTEST)


Whole blood: Lavender-top (EDTA) 
Oral swab: OCD-100 DNA Genotek
Extracted DNA: Contact MNG Genetic Services 844-664-8378 (844-MNGTEST)

Blood: Lavender-Top (EDTA) Tube, Buccal Swab from MNG Kit, Tissue or Extracted DNA: Sterile screw capped vial, Cultured cells: T25 flask

Whole blood: Lavender-top (EDTA) Oral swab: OCD-100 DNA GenotekExtracted DNA: Contact MNG Genetic Services 844-664-8378 (844-MNGTEST)


Whole blood: standard phlebotomy. 
Oral swab: follow kit instructions
Extracted DNA: Contact MNG Genetic Services 844-664-8378 (844-MNGTEST)

Blood: Specimens should be shipped overnight in a secure container at room temperature. Extracted DNA: Should be shipped overnight at room temperature. If previously frozen, DNA can be shipped in an insulated container with wet or dry ice. Cultured Fibroblasts: T-25 flasks containing fibroblasts should be shipped in an insulated container at room temperature. Flasks should be completely filled with media and cells should be ~90% confluent. Fibroblast samples must be certified free from Mycoplasma. MNG is able to perform this service for a small charge (TC05). For NGS panels, TAT will be extended by 7-14 days if cells are not confluent upon arrival. Muscle: Samples should be shipped frozen in an insulated container with 5-7 lbs. dry ice, overnight. Buccal cells: Should be shipped overnight in a secure container at room temperature.

Whole blood: standard phlebotomy. Oral swab: follow kit instructionsExtracted DNA: Contact MNG Genetic Services 844-664-8378 (844-MNGTEST)

Storage Instructions

Maintain specimen at room temperature or refrigerate at 4°C. Do not freeze. 

Blood - ship ASAP, but stable up to 5 days post-collection at room temperature. DO NOT FREEZE; Swab - 60 day post-collection room temperature stability; DNA - ship at room temperature after extraction; Fibroblasts - ship flask in insulated container at room temp or refigerated; Muscle - ship in insulated container with 5-7 lbs of dry ice

Maintain specimen at room temperature or refrigerate at 4°C. Do not freeze. 

Stability Requirements

• Room temperature: Whole blood: 14 days; Swab: 60 days
• Refrigerated: Whole blood: 30 days; Swab: 60 days
• Frozen: Do not freeze

Room Temperature: Blood - 5 days, Swab - 60 days, DNA - 30 days, Muscle - 0 days, Fibroblasts - 2-3 days; Refrigerated: Blood - 5 days, Swab - 60 days, DNA - 30 days, Muscle - 0 days, Fibroblasts - 2-3 days; Frozen: Blood - DO NOT FREEZE, Swab - 60 days, DNA - Indefinitely, Muscle - Indefinitely, Fibroblasts - Indefinitely; Freeze/Thaw: None

• Room temperature: Whole blood: 14 days; Swab: 60 days• Refrigerated: Whole blood: 30 days; Swab: 60 days• Frozen: Do not freeze

Causes for Rejection

Frozen or hemolyzed specimen; quantity not sufficient for analysis; improper container

Extracted DNA A260:A280 ratio of outside of 1.8-2.0 range; Frozen blood EDTA tube; Thawed and/or fatty muscle sample; Insufficient buccal cell collection

Frozen or hemolyzed specimen; quantity not sufficient for analysis; improper container

Test Details


Amyloid Disorders are a clinically and genetically heterogeneous group of autosomal dominant diseases characterized by the deposit of insoluble protein fibrils in the extracellular matrix. Hereditary amyloidoses are late onset syndromes caused by pathogenic variants in genes encoding transthyretin, fibrinogen A alpha-chain, lysozyme, apolipoprotein A-1, gelsolin, and cystatin C. Transthyretin amyloidosis, with pathogenic variants of the transthyretin gene (TTR), is the most common. Familial transthyretin (TTR) amyloidosis is characterized by a slowly progressive peripheral sensorimotor and autonomic neuropathy as well as non-neuropathic changes of cardiomyopathy, nephropathy, vitreous opacities, and CNS amyloidosis. Age of onset is later in life, typically around age 50. In addition to hereditary amyloidosis, two other forms of systemic amyloidosis exist. Immunoglobulin (AL) amyloidosis is caused by the accumulation of monoclonal immunoglobulin (Ig) light chains as amyloid fibrils. Reactive (AA) amyloidosis is associated with chronic inflammatory diseases (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis; Familial Mediterranean Fever), and fibrils are derived from the circulating acute-phase reactant serum amyloid A protein.


This assay will not consistently detect mosaicism or rule out the presence of large chromosomal aberrations, including rearrangements and inversions that do not change copy number of genomic regions. This NGS assay does not detect repeat expansions. False positive or false negative results may occur for reasons that include insufficient information available about rare genetic variants, sex chromosome abnormalities, pseudogene interference, homologous regions, blood transfusions, bone marrow transplantation, somatic or tissue-specific mosaicism/heteroplasmy, mislabeled samples, or erroneous representation of family relationships. For panels with mitochondrial DNA assessment, low levels of heteroplasmy may not be reliably detected. Interpretation of the clinical significance of gene variations is limited by information about the variant that is available at the time of reporting, and by the quality and quantity of clinical information provided with the sample. The interpretation of the clinical significance of variants may change.

This test was developed and its performance characteristics determined by Labcorp. It has not been cleared or approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

This assay will not consistently detect mosaicism or rule out the presence of large chromosomal aberrations, including rearrangements and inversions that do not change copy number of genomic regions. This NGS assay does not detect repeat expansions. False positive or false negative results may occur for reasons that include insufficient information available about rare genetic variants, sex chromosome abnormalities, pseudogene interference, homologous regions, blood transfusions, bone marrow transplantation, somatic or tissue-specific mosaicism/heteroplasmy, mislabeled samples, or erroneous representation of family relationships. For panels with mitochondrial DNA assessment, low levels of heteroplasmy may not be reliably detected. Interpretation of the clinical significance of gene variations is limited by information about the variant that is available at the time of reporting, and by the quality and quantity of clinical information provided with the sample. The interpretation of the clinical significance of variants may change.

This test was developed and its performance characteristics determined by Labcorp. It has not been cleared or approved by the Food and Drug Administration.


Next-Generation Sequencing


Next-generation sequencing to identify genetic variants, including single nucleotide variants (SNVs), insertions, deletions, and copy number variants (CNVs). 

Next-generation sequencing to identify genetic variants, including single nucleotide variants (SNVs), insertions, deletions, and copy number variants (CNVs). 

Recommended MNG Kits

SINGLE Blood Genetic Testing, Buccal Swab Genetic Testing